cooperation is powerful

About us

Malmöandan (meaning “The Malmö spirit”) was born out of a cooperation plan drafted between local municipal government the City of Malmö and Malmö’s civil society organizations. The aim was to promote the ethical values on which Malmö desires its community to be built.
Malmöandan is a platform for partnership, inspiration, and dialog. We organize events, conferences, and meetings that promote knowledge-sharing and increase civic participation, and where local politicians, civil servants, and civil society stakeholders can discuss solutions to key local challenges.
Our focus is on realizing the vision of a more inclusive, sustainable, equal, and democratic Malmö.
In 2014, at the initiative of Malmö’s umbrella organization for civil society stakeholders, Malmö Ideella, the city’s Municipal Executive Board assented to support an agreement between the City and local civil society organizations concerning social issues.
In 2016, the City of Malmö further resolved to finance a cooperative arrangement, which culminated in a cooperation plan signed in June 2018. As of 2019, Malmöandan has appointed one coordinator each from the city government and civil society to work together to realize this cooperation plan. In 2021, the City and local civil society organizations agreed on a new cooperation plan for the period 2022–2026, which aims to create additional opportunities for effective partnership between them. 2024 the City of Malmö announced it will no longer directly finance this democratic plattform. At Malmöandan we are looking for new partners for the development of Malmöandan!
Currently, Malmö Ideella lead and coordinate the nonprofit sector’s contribution to Malmöandan. If your cooperation plan didn´t work, change the plan but never the goal. Malmöandan’s work is part of local efforts to create a socially sustainable city in line with the Commission for a Socially Sustainable Malmö’s proposals for action, and to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals or agenda 2030.

A more equal, more inclusive malmö
Malmöandan strives to create a more equal, more inclusive Malmö.
Just how do we did this?
By organizing the following & other events:
The roundtable conference Malmöandans Dialogforum
The lunchtime lecture series Lärande Lunch (Lunch & Learn)
Joint city govt.-civil society information sessions, Malmötimmen (The Malmö Hour)
Training programs
Inspirational lectures
Malmöandan provided a meeting place that helps foster inspiration, progress, and partnership between civil society and our local municipal government, the City of Malmö in order to promote a more equal, open, and democratic city.
All Malmöandan’s events, dialogs, and discussions focused on innovation and on promoting community interests in a sustainable way.
Below is a selection of partnerships, processes, and networks in which Malmöandan is involved or helped initiate.
Knowledge Participation Partnership

Malmöandan’s Coordinators’ Office is tasked with organizing one two theme-based roundtable conferences (dialogforum) annually. All civil society organizations within Malmö, elected politicians sitting on the City’s committees/boards, and civil servants from all of the City’s various departments are welcome to participate.
Dialogforum aims to promote a running dialog that focuses on the preconditions—and the need—for cooperation between the involved stakeholders concerning social challenges. It also aims to support inclusion and democracy.


The Malmö Hour

Malmöandan’s Coordinators’ Office organizes an experience-exchange forum for public sector and civil society organizations 2–4 times each year—Malmötimmen (The Malmö Hour). At these events, stakeholders from each group take turns presenting a project, activity, process or similar for which they are responsible.
Malmötimmen’s primary aim is to increase the participating groups’ insight into each other’s activities.

The Lärande Lunch (Lunch & Learn) lecture series is an informal forum where people who work with, conduct research into, study, or are otherwise knowledgeable about cooperation and innovation present their work. Lectures are held in cooperation with local government departments based on NGOs’ needs and involvement in various issues.
Malmöandan organizes Lärande Lunch gatherings at least six times a year in cooperation with Malmö Tillsammans

Lunch & Learn

Co-creating Change

To help improve local expertise in leadership development, each year Malmöandan invites a group of civil servants and civil society stakeholders to undertake the Medskapa förändring (Co-creating Change) training program held by local network Malmöakademin. Through creative, interactive assignments, each group receives training in effective, inclusive process management, thereby promoting Malmöandan’s vision of a more robust democracy, and increased equality and civic participation in our city.
Would you like to sign up for the next course?
Follow us on social media for the latest updates. We will post an announcement when it is time for the next course to begin.
Malmöandan is a joint initiative by the City of Malmö and local civil society stakeholders. Its Coordinators’ Office’s primary task is promoting opportunities for the City and civil society organizations to cooperate in tackling Malmö’s social challenges.
Would you like to be a part of Malmöandan? Do you have ideas or suggestions that harness the power of cooperation to achieve progress?

Inspiration & Partnership
Malmöandan manages a platform that facilitates cooperation between the City of Malmö and local civil society. Malmö’s elected politicians, civil servants, and anyone involved in our civil society organizations are welcome to help shape and direct our activities.
Malmöandan’s work has its roots in the cooperation agreement established between the City of Malmö and local civil society organizations. The parties to the agreement are jointly responsible for realizing its implementation.
We speak Swedish, English & Spanish.
Don´t hesitate to contact us!